Laundry room plumbing tips to avoid leaks and clogs

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Common laundry room plumbing problems

When it comes to avoiding issues with your laundry room plumbing, there are some simple ways to prevent small headaches from becoming major issues that will cost you time and money to fix. In many cases, issues with laundry room plumbing can be prevented through simple maintenance and introducing a few new steps to your cleaning routine. While this might seem like a hassle at first, keeping your laundry room in tip-top shape will save you from expensive repairs in the long run. Here are some simple tips to help you preserve the plumbing in your laundry room.

Laundry room plumbing tips

Checking the integrity of your laundry machine hoses is crucial to preventing leaks and clogs. If your laundry room has rubber hoses installed, consider swapping them out for metal ones instead. Older homes and apartments are more likely to have rubber hose hookups for washing machines. These are specially made to avoid clogging, and are less prone to breakage and cracking than rubber hoses. It is also important to make sure your hoses are connected properly to your machines and drainage areas, as loose or broken seals can lead to flooding and costly water damage. The same check can be done for under sinks and even toilets if they share the same room as your laundry machines.

Another simple installation to help preserve the plumbing in your laundry room is a flood sensor. While it can be important to find smaller leaks in your laundry room plumbing before they become problematic, in the case of a large flooding event, a flood sensor can save you from intense water damage. From a backed-up drain, to an overflowing sink, or even a clogged toilet, a flooding sensor can let you know there is a problem before it spirals out of control, keeping your laundry room safer from expensive damage than ever before.

Making sure to clean out your drains and clog catches on a weekly or bi-weekly basis is also key to preventing overflow. Particularly important for a highly used washer that is being run multiple times of every day of the week, preventing clogs is key to the health of your laundry room plumbing. A quick check of hair catches in bathtubs and sinks, as well as checking the catch on your washing machine, can save you hours of plumbing trouble. Also, updating your appliances to modern, water-efficient models can help prevent clogs and save you money on both water use and plumbing problems.

Vancouver, WA plumbing services

Finally, getting a regular plumbing inspection can help you detect issues you couldn’t find on your own, such as internal plumbing issues and aged plumbing. If you are interested in scheduling a plumbing inspection, or have any questions about how to keep your laundry room operating cleanly, contact Simpson Plumbing. We’d be happy to answer any questions you may have, and can offer professional repairs and consultations on installations and plumbing repairs.

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