Camas & Vancouver WA Sewer Repair and Cleaning

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Portland sewer repair is often necessary when pipes are broken or leaking

Portland sewer repair is often necessary when pipes are broken or leakingSewer repair and cleaning may not the prettiest topic to talk about, but it’s essential to know why you should have your sewer cleaned regularly, and who you can turn to when your sewer line needs to be repaired. A clean and functioning sewer line is a sewer line you don’t have to think about, and isn’t that we all really want?

Sewer Cleaning

Having your sewer line cleaned by a professional on a semi-regular basis, is an ideal way to spot and take care of little issues that could become major problems in the future if left untreated. If you haven’t noticed any pressing problems, you should have your sewer lines cleaned about every 18-22 months as a preventative measure. In between these “check ups” if you’re having trouble, call your plumber who can do a proper video inspection to asses the situation and diagnose your sewer line problem.

Sewer Repair

If your sewer line needs to be repaired, you may not notice right away. Here are some things to look for that may indicate your sewer line isn’t functioning properly and may require sewer repair in Camas, Vancouver, or surrounding areas in Southwest Washington:

  • Smell: This, unfortunately, is a pretty good indicator that things have gone wrong somewhere. A strong sewage stench is a sign that a pipe has broken along the line and needs immediate attention.
  • Gurgling in your pipes: When you flush the toilet or run your sink and a rumbly, gurgling noise emits from your pipes, you may potentially have a sewer line blockage.
  • Standing water: Seeing standing water around the sewer pipe and drain in your basement is often a sign of a busted sewer line. If there are puddles in your basement, it’s time to call a plumber.
  • Slowed draining: If your sink, shower, and tub drains are draining slower than usual, or the water is draining but comes back up, you potentially have a blocked sewer line.

Vancouver WA Area Sewer Repair and Cleaning

A broken sewer line is not something any homeowner ever wants to have to deal with, but being able to call a professional, qualified, plumber makes the situation much more manageable and less stressful. If you’ve noticed some of these signs around your Camas, Washougal, or Vancouver, WA area home lately, and think you need sewer repair services, give our team a call to get it fixed quickly and correctly.

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